How do I borrow library material?

This article explains the various ways students can borrow Library material


There are a number of ways to borrow library material.

As an open distance learning library, the Unisa Library accommodates both the student who can visit the Library in person and the student who cannot come into the Library to borrow a book.

  • in person - you may fetch the book from the shelf and have it issued to you at the Lending Counter or you may prefer to use the self-issue machines. The first time you choose the self-service route, you will need to create a Library PIN to use when borrowing an item via the self-issue machine.
  • request online - via the Library Catalogue, search for the title or course code and submit
  • on the mobile bus - present your paper student card and ID to the staff of the mobile library in order to take out books in the Mobile Bus collection.

It is always helpful to attend a hands-on library training session to acquire basic library skills.

  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2021
  • Views 196
  • Answered By Sophie van der Walt

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