Why has my Library account been blocked or why can't I take out books due to a block?

When there are outstanding fines, the Library blocks students from taking out books


A block occurs when a student or staff member has an outstanding amount owed to the University or to the Library. 

  • The client  will not be able to request or borrow library material or to to use the electronic resources to read or download articles. 
  • Examination results may be withheld until the account is settled.

After the account is settled, the block is lifted and the client will be able to use the Library's resources.

Please consult the Library guide: Requesting and finding library material: Fines & payments for more information.

Send any enquiries regarding fines, accounts rendered etc. to library-fines@unisa.ac.za

  • Last Updated Nov 18, 2021
  • Views 119
  • Answered By Sophie van der Walt

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